What’s Your Flood Risk?
- Talk to neighbors: Does the street flood? Did this house flood?
- Ask the landlord/owner about flooding history. Get the answer in writing before you buy or lease.
- Review local flood information: https://www.weather.gov/safety/flood-states-nm
- Review flood risk in the area: https://nmflood.org/
- Review available flood relief programs: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs-initiatives/ewp-emergency-watershed-protection
- Know your flood insurance options and what to expect from wildfire related flooding: https://www.floodsmart.gov/wildfires
- Review FEMA flood maps at https://nmflood.org/
- Compare the elevation of floodplain with the slab elevation of your home. Do not buy or lease in the 100-year floodplain.
- Within 500-year floodplain, home height should be above 500-year flood plain elevation. Do not buy a home with elevation below 500-year flood plain.
- Avoid purchasing a home under 25 feet of elevation.
- Compare the height of slab of house to crown of the street.
- Avoid homes where slab is even with or just slightly above crown of the street. The slab should be 2 feet or more above the crown of the street.
Know whether your zip code is an evacuation area and how to be prepared. Click here to learn more.
How to reach us
If you’re facing a disaster-related legal issue, we’re here to assist you. Here’s how you can contact us:
- Call our Disaster Hotline at 1-855-204-2569, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or leave a message 24/7.
- Email the Disaster Legal Services Team at disasterlegalservices@nmlegalaid.org.
- Contact our statewide intake at 1-833-LGL-HELP (1-833-545-4357).
- Click here to apply online for assistance.