Thursday, July 27, 2023
2- 4 PM
5600 Domingo Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Join us for a life-changing event! On Thursday, July 27, from 2-4pm, we’re teaming up with the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico to host a Name Change Legal Clinic! This clinic is designed to assist New Mexicans in filing for a legal name change and updating their sex designation on identity documents.
Get a free consultation with an attorney. Our team of dedicated attorneys will be on hand to offer guidance and support during the clinic. Sign up now to secure your spot! Limited virtual time slots are available.
Documents are helpful but not required. While having your birth certificate and/or Social Security card or taxpayer ID can be useful, they’re not mandatory for legal assistance. We’re here to help you regardless!
In-Person Assistance: For those attending in-person, assistance will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
For more information or to apply over the phone, call 1-877-266-9861.
Deadline to Apply: July 26, 2023
Don’t wait – apply now and get ready for a new chapter in your life!