FREE online-only seminar open to the public
March 7, 2024
5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Watch on Zoom Video Conference:
Meeting ID-860 0244 3934
Topics include:
1. Landlord and Tenant rights and responsibilities (lease enforcement)
2. Evictions (going to Metro or Magistrate Court)
3. Security Deposit disputes (When can a Landlord keep a deposit vs. must pay a refund?)
4. How to force a Landlord to make repairs to a rental unit?
Taught by an Attorney from New Mexico Legal Aid
For free legal advice: call NM Legal Aid: 1-(833)-545-4357
Or apply online for free legal help
To be prepared for online law class – read the free book on NM Legal Aid website: Renter’s Guide: a Handbook for Landlords and Tenants
(note: this state-wide law class is now offered online only and not in person at office)