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Volunteer Attorney Program

Volunteer Attorney Program Home

Welcome to the Volunteer Attorney Program!

Welcome to the Volunteer Attorney Program (VAP) of New Mexico Legal Aid. Our program serves as the leading agency for pro bono services across the state, connecting low-income individuals with private attorneys for legal advice and extended services.

Our Mission

The mission of VAP is to expand and support pro bono efforts statewide by working closely with the State Bar, the NM Supreme Court, the Access to Justice Commission, and Equal Access to Justice. We coordinate high-quality legal services through direct representation, client counseling, community legal fairs, and other innovative strategies.

What We Do

VAP provides free (pro bono) services to qualifying low-income individuals in a range of ways:

The Direct-Rep Program receives internal referrals from New Mexico Legal Aid, as well as other service providers, and manages the placement of pro bono cases with volunteer attorneys. Volunteer attorneys may choose the scope of their service, from one-time advice to extended services.

VAP also collaborates with Judicial District Pro Bono Committees to coordinate legal fairs, where volunteer attorneys offer (one-time) in-person consultations.

Additionally, VAP partners with the NM State Bar Foundation’s Modest Means Helpline to provide statewide Teleclinics, offering phone consultations typically on a quarterly basis.

As an accredited CLE provider, VAP offers its volunteer attorneys free interactive CLEs through the VAP CLE ECHO Program. This program serves as a resource and learning tool for volunteer attorneys to take part in a collaborative learning community focused on the legal needs of low-income rural New Mexicans.

More Information

If you are interested in receiving pro bono legal services, please visit our Legal Consultations page.

Attorneys interested in pro bono and volunteer opportunities can find more details on the Volunteer Opportunities page.

For information on the next available clinic/fair call 1-877-266-9861 or email