Contact Us
Advancing Fairness and Justice for All
Free Legal Aid in New Mexico
To Apply for legal services. Call the New Mexico Legal Aid Telephone Intake Line, Monday to Thursday, 10am to 1pm. 1-833-LGL-HELP (1-833-545-4357) (closed holidays)
Need Legal Help? Toll-Free:
1-833-LGL-HELP (1-833-545-4357)
Business Phone: 1-866-416-1922
505 Marquette Avenue NW, (P.O. Box 25486)
Albuquerque, NM, 87102 (87125-5486)
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Client Survey
Providing our clients with high-quality legal services is paramount to New Mexico Legal Aid. If you have been a client and would like to give us some feedback, please download and complete our client satisfaction survey or CLICK HERE to complete our survey online.