Victim Services & Family Law
New Mexico Legal Aid provides victim services to all individuals, ensuring equal access to justice regardless of their background, identity, or circumstances.
For Family Law, New Mexico Legal Aid only has resources to consider applications for family law legal help for victims of domestic abuse. If you are not the victim of domestic abuse, we will unfortunately not be able to provide any help.
Some other possible ways to get advice about family law issues are:
With the development of COVID, the New Mexico State Bar conducts a Monthly Video Workshop on Divorce.
Attendees can learn how to save time, money, and stress at the State Bar’s free Divorce Options Workshop. The workshop includes a presentation by a volunteer attorney, materials on divorce, and an open question-and-answer period. This event is a free community service open to the public. Workshops are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month from 6-8 p.m. Call (505) 797-6022 to register.
This legal information website page might provide other possible resources
A one-time consultation with a private attorney may not cost as much as you think.
The Modest Means Helpline (MMH) is a civil legal telephone helpline and pro bono referral service for New Mexico residents of modest means. The Modest Means Helpline was created through the efforts of the Access to Justice Commission, the State Bar of New Mexico and the New Mexico State Bar Foundation. More information can be found here.
You may be able to get some questions answered online by a volunteer attorney through the American Bar Association’s Free Legal Answers website –
Support Survivors
Your support is critical in helping us provide these essential services. By donating to our Domestic Violence Awareness Month fundraiser, you can help ensure that every survivor in New Mexico has access to the legal help they need, regardless of their ability to pay.
Every donation, no matter the size, helps NMLA continue its mission to protect and empower survivors. Join us in the fight to end domestic violence and make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.
Click here to donate to support survivors in New Mexico!
The Domestic Violence Sexual Assault & Stalking Helpline
The Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Helpline is available.
Monday – Friday || 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The New Mexico Legal Aid Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Legal HelpLine is a free statewide service that provides legal information and referrals for victims of these crimes.
- Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- All calls are confidential.
- Language translation services available.
- Legal information on Orders of Protection, divorce, paternity, child support, child custody and visitation,
- Housing, benefits and the criminal process.
- Referrals to statewide service providers.
- Victims, friends, family members, advocates, case managers, and attorneys are welcome to call.
- New Mexico attorneys available to help you on a case by case basis.
Helpline de New Mexico Legal Aid es un servicio gratuito que ofrece información legal y recursos a personas que llamencon preguntas sobre violencia doméstica, abuso sexual, e acecho.
- Lunes – Viernes de 9:00 am a 5:00 p.m.
- Todas las llamadas son confidenciales.
- Los servicios de traducción de idiomas disponibles.
- Información legal sobre ordenes de protección, divorcio, paternidad, manutención, custodia y visitación, la vivienda, beneficios y el proceso penal.
- Referencias a los proveedores de servicios en todo el estado.
- Las víctimas, los amigos, los familiares, administradores de casos, y los abogados son bienvenidos a llamar.
- Los abogados de New México están disponibles para ayudarle en un caso por caso.
Is somebody hurting you? Does your partner or family member…
- Hit, slap, punch, bite, choke, kick or hurt you physically?
- Control what you do, who you see or talk to, or where you go?
- Intimidate, threaten or harass you?
- Force you to have sex or perform sexual acts?
- Have guns, knives or other weapons and threatens or uses them to control you?
- Threaten to kill you or commit suicide?
- Stops you from seeing or talking to friends or family?
- Isolate you?
- Stalk you? Follow you? Text or call you repeatedly in a controlling manner?
- Hurt or threaten your pets?
- Make you afraid?
- Controls your access to money, housing, medication, other vital needs?
If you said yes to even one of these questions, you may be in an abusive relationship. If you
are in immediate danger, please call 911 or your local police.
Once you are safe, please contact the HelpLine statewide at:
Toll Free ‐ 1‐877‐974‐3400
You can Click Here for our partner agency, the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
You can Click Here for general information from the Court.
Additional Resources
Watch the following videos to learn about Orders of Protection, including what is Domestic Abuse as defined under the Family Protection Act, What is needed when requesting an Order of Protection, and ten-day hearings.
- Domestic Violence Part 1 – Orders of Protection: What is Domestic Abuse as defined under the Family Protection Act?
- Domestic Violence Part 2 – Orders of Protection: What Information is Needed to Request an Order of Protection?
- Domestic Violence Part 3 – Orders of Protection: What is a 10-Day Hearing and how should you prepare for one if it is scheduled?