Disaster Benefits
Timeline of Disaster Benefits
These are some of the challenges disaster survivors may encounter regarding public benefits and assistance, categorized into short-term, medium-term, and long-term difficulties:
Public Benefits after a Disaster
n New Mexico, immediate aid is accessible to individuals and families in the wake of a disaster, aiming to address essential needs like sustenance, shelter, and medical attention.
Here are key sources and forms of emergency aid available:
- The New Mexico Human Services Department extends assistance through initiatives such as the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP), catering to those not regularly enrolled in SNAP but requiring food aid due to a disaster. Even regular SNAP recipients may receive additional or emergency SNAP benefits post-disaster. Explore further details here.
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides financial relief for housing and other disaster-related expenses, encompassing temporary housing aid, emergency home repairs, and allocations for essential household items. More information is available here. Alternatively, you can text SHELTER followed by your zip code (e.g., “SHELTER 01234”) to 4FEMA (43362).
- Various entities such as the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, and local community organizations extend financial support, including immediate necessities like food, shelter, and water. Explore further information here.
- Local administrations often establish emergency operations centers to coordinate disaster responses, encompassing rescue missions, temporary shelters, and the distribution of provisions, like food and supplies. Consult your local emergency management authorities, voluntary organizations, or dial your local 2-1-1 for assistance.
Housing Assistance
In New Mexico, Housing Assistance programs are mobilized to support affected individuals and families in finding suitable shelter, repairing damaged homes, or assisting with the transition to new permanent residences if necessary. The framework for this assistance typically involves a combination of federal, state, and local resources.
Here’s a detailed look at how these programs typically operate:
Financial Assistance After a Fire
In New Mexico, After a disaster strikes, a range of financial aid options become accessible to aid individuals and families in their recovery efforts. These resources target both immediate and enduring financial requirements stemming from disaster-induced damages.
Food Assistance after a Disaster
After a Disaster in New Mexico, food assistance becomes a critical need for many individuals and families affected by the event. Several programs and initiatives are activated to ensure that those impacted have access to food during a disaster.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
The USDA offers various disaster assistance programs for losses in crops and livestock, as well as for the rehabilitation of farmland, watersheds, and forests, and to provide support for rural businesses and homes.
For information on all disaster relief USDA programs, click here.
For additional assistance related to livestock loss, forage loss, fencing, structures, and water supply for food producers, more information can be found here.
How to reach us
If you’re facing a disaster-related legal issue, we’re here to assist you. Here’s how you can contact us:
- Call our Disaster Hotline at 1-855-204-2569, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or leave a message 24/7.
- Email the Disaster Legal Services Team at disasterlegalservices@nmlegalaid.org.
- Contact our statewide intake at 1-833-LGL-HELP (1-833-545-4357).
- Click here to apply online for assistance.