Family Law and Disasters
What Is Family Law?
Family law refers to laws that apply to family-related situations. This can include issues such as:
- Access to childhood education
- Adoption
- Alimony
- Child custody and visitation.
Child support - Domestic violence and protection from abusers
- Marriage and divorce
Family law can also involve court decisions that let someone:
- Make decisions for adult relatives who can’t make decisions for themselves
- Take care of a child whose parents are unable to care for them
Preparing for a Disaster
Disasters can cause big changes that affect your legal arrangements
- You might have to change where you live and who you’re living with.
- Can also affect child custody, visitation, and education.
Storing Important Documents
- Make copies of your important legal documents.
- Store the original documents somewhere safe, such as:
- A safe deposit box at your bank;
- A small fireproof, waterproof safe in your home.
- Online in the cloud so you can access your documents from anywhere with your password.
- Important documents to copy and store:
- Driver’s licenses or other state-issued IDs.
- Passports
- Social Security cards.
- Green cards, residency cards, or work authorizations.
- Naturalization or citizenship documents.
- Birth certificates.
- Marriage and death certificates.
- Adoption papers.
- Child custody documents.
- Divorce decrees.
- Protective orders (for victims of domestic or partner violence).
- Your child’s individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan.
For some of these legal documents, you may be able to get a copy from the attorney who represented you or from the court that handled the legal issue.
Pre-Dispute Resolution
- “Pre-dispute resolution” means:
- Creating a plan to deal with legal situations you think might happen.
- Parents in joint custody agreements might create a plan for taking care of their children if the kids need to leave their home.
- because of an approaching disaster, like a hurricane, or after a disaster due to damage to the home where the children live.
- Planning ahead can make things easier and less stressful after a disaster.
- Plans could involve caretakers who are not parents, such as grandparents or trusted friends.
- Helps avoid personal disputes that could end up in court, making it easier for disaster survivors to recover.
- Parents in joint custody agreements might create a plan for taking care of their children if the kids need to leave their home.
- Creating a plan to deal with legal situations you think might happen.
- “Pre-dispute resolution” means:
Power of Attorney
- A “Power of Attorney” (POA) is a legal document that gives someone the power to make decisions on behalf of another person.
- During disasters, a POA arrangement can help protect your money, property, and children if you become incapacitated (unable to make decisions for yourself).
- If you become incapacitated and have not created a POA, a friend or family member might have to ask a court to pick a legal guardian for you. (See the Court-Appointed Guardianship section.)
- The person you give a POA to doesn’t need to be a lawyer or financial expert.
- The best choice is someone you trust. Many people choose a family member.
- During disasters, a POA arrangement can help protect your money, property, and children if you become incapacitated (unable to make decisions for yourself).
- A “Power of Attorney” (POA) is a legal document that gives someone the power to make decisions on behalf of another person.
- A “will” is a legal document that spells out what should happen with your money, investments, property, and children under your care when you pass away.
- If you don’t have a will, family members and other relatives might disagree over what to do. A judge might even make the final decision.
- It’s best to ask a lawyer to help you prepare a will.
- They know how to write a will that is clear about your wishes.
- A lawyer should also make sure your will is valid in all states and territories.
- A “will” is a legal document that spells out what should happen with your money, investments, property, and children under your care when you pass away.
Family Law Issues After a Disaster
Lost Vital Documents
- If you don’t have– or if you lost – your important documents, get copies or replacements as soon as you can.
- You often need them if you go to court.
- How To Replace Lost Documents.
- If you don’t have– or if you lost – your important documents, get copies or replacements as soon as you can.
Domestic Violence
- If you were a victim of domestic violence before a disaster struck, you may already have a protective order from the court to keep your abuser away from you.
- It’s important to have this document with you.
- An abuser can be arrested and put in jail if they violate a protective order.
- If you lost a protective order, contact the clerk in the court where you received the protective order.
- Ask for another copy.
- Having your protective order can help you if you need to contact the police.
- If you relocated to a different state or territory because of a disaster:
- Your protective order can probably still be enforced.
- If you have reason to believe an attacker is going to violate the order, call 911.
- It’s important to have this document with you.
- If you were a victim of domestic violence before a disaster struck, you may already have a protective order from the court to keep your abuser away from you.
Child Custody
- Disasters can complicate joint custody agreements.
- You and your children might temporarily have to live in a different place.
- If a flood or other natural disaster seems likely:
- The parent who has the children at the time should make an honest effort to contact the other parent.
- The parents need to agree on a plan.
- Keep notes about any efforts you make.
- These notes should show the dates you tried to contact the other parent, if the other parent responded, how you communicated, and what was said or written.
- If you cannot return your children to the other parent because of disaster-related conditions:
- Take pictures of these conditions so you can provide proof to a judge.
- The parent who has the children at the time should make an honest effort to contact the other parent.
- Disasters can complicate joint custody agreements.
Child Support and Alimony
- A disaster might affect a person’s income and ability to pay child support and alimony.
- A person who is supposed to pay child support or alimony may use a disaster as an excuse to delay, stop, or lower their payments.
- You may be able to get help from the court if:
- You know that the person who owes the alimony or child support is still getting paid for work, but they aren’t paying what the court ordered.
- You may be able to file a petition with the court to enforce the payment.
- In many states and territories, and under federal law, the person who fails to pay can be charged with a crime.
- You aren’t able to work as much or at all because of a disaster.
- You may be able to ask the court to modify its order so you can pay a reduced amount for alimony or child support.
- You may be able to file a petition with the court to enforce the payment.
- After a disaster, the children in your care might have to live somewhere else for a while because of damage to your home. You also might still be together but living in temporary housing in a different area. What does this mean for where your children go to school?
- Federal law guarantees certain educational rights for children who are homeless or displaced by a disaster, no matter where they live in the country.
- These rights apply to children who live in shelters, transitional housing, cars, campgrounds, hotels, and motels. They also apply to children who must temporarily live with other people because of a disaster.
- Federal law gives students who are homeless or displaced the right to:
- Go back to the school they attended before the disaster.
- The school district must provide the student with transportation to and from school if a parent or guardian asks for it.
- Enroll immediately into the public school where they’re living.
- The school must accept this enrollment even if the student doesn’t have certain documentation like proof of residency or immunization records.
- Challenge a school’s decision if the school decides the student should not be allowed to enroll.
- The student can keep attending school during the challenge process.
- The school district must provide a written explanation of its objections to the student’s enrollment.
- Receive free school meals.
- Participate fully in the school’s activities.
- This includes after-school activities.
- Receive transportation to their new school.
- Continue special education services.
- The new school district must provide special education services similar to the services of the old district.
- Federal law guarantees certain educational rights for children who are homeless or displaced by a disaster, no matter where they live in the country.
- After a disaster, the children in your care might have to live somewhere else for a while because of damage to your home. You also might still be together but living in temporary housing in a different area. What does this mean for where your children go to school?
Court-Appointed Guardianship
- Like a Power of Attorney, court-appointed guardianship is a legal way for someone to make decisions for another person who can’t make decisions for themselves or manage their own health care.
- But there are very important differences:
Power of Attorney
Court-Appointed Guardianship
You pick who you is allowed to make decisions for you.
Someone else picks someone to make decisions for you – and asks a court to approve the choice
- Legal guardianship is assigned by a court, such as the family court.
- Child guardianship.
- Courts may appoint a guardian when a child’s parents are unable to make decisions about their child’s well-being.
- This might happen if the parents pass away and don’t have a will that says who should take care of the child.
- This can also happen if the parents can’t care for the child because of illness or injury.
- Courts may appoint a guardian when a child’s parents are unable to make decisions about their child’s well-being.
- Adult guardianship.
- Sometimes adults are unable to take care of themselves or make decisions.
- This could be because of a physical or mental disability.
- If that adult did not arrange to give someone POA, the court can appoint a guardian to make decisions about the adult’s medical care, housing, and finances.
- This could be because of a physical or mental disability.
- Sometimes adults are unable to take care of themselves or make decisions.
- Like a Power of Attorney, court-appointed guardianship is a legal way for someone to make decisions for another person who can’t make decisions for themselves or manage their own health care.
How to reach us
If you’re facing a disaster-related legal issue, we’re here to assist you. Here’s how you can contact us:
- Call our Disaster Hotline at 1-855-204-2569, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or leave a message 24/7.
- Email the Disaster Legal Services Team at
- Contact our statewide intake at 1-833-LGL-HELP (1-833-545-4357).
- Click here to apply online for assistance.